Thursday, September 27, 2012

Of Orange Tulips and Budding Friendships

Some people say things happen for a reason and that something happens at the precise time it is meant to happen. I used to believe in many different things but I guess I grew up and I have grown out of it.
Since arriving in the United States for my fellowship program my daily morning routine has always been about a five minute walk from my apartment building to my host organization's office and everyday I pass by this quaint little house turned into a cafe called "Daughters Cafe" that serves breakfast, lunch and evening desserts. I never bothered to check it out because I like my usual routine and I guess I have never really been curious to check it out.
This morning however became different and I was really going to submit to the loneliness I have been feeling lately being a foreigner and not having friends to hang out with. Then something happened.
My host supervisor invited me to tag along with him to a meeting and we left in a jiff. An hour in the meeting I was bored to wits and I realized we have online classes on Thursdays so I excused myself, left the meeting and walked back to the office. There I realized I left my office keys inside when we left an hour hurriedly for the meeting. So I decided to just pick up my laptop at my apartment and just camp out at the office building hallway for the class since I could still pick up the office wifi anyway. Arriving at my apartment building I realized my apartment keys are attached to the office keys. So I have just been walking around in circles for nothing. I figured I could go back to the meeting and ask my host supervisor for his keys but at this point I was really thirsty and it was almost noon. As I walked back again towards the office I then became curious as to what lunches Daughters Cafe have to offer. So I went in.
No other customers, so I had corners to choose from to sit and have my lunch. I asked for the menu and ordered a panini sandwich plate of bacon lettuce and tomato, and a diet coke. The lady left to have my order prepared then almost quickly she returned with a glass of iced water with a straw and commented about the weather. She seemingly assumed I am just from here, in Reno. I smiled and said this is going to be my first snowy winter when it comes. She then assumed again that I must be from the Bay Area. I said, no I am from the Philippines. She said "oh that's nice, my cousin is married to a Filipina". She was about to say something else to me but was interrupted when a UPS guy came in and delivered a package. At this point, an older looking lady came out with my order. The younger lady said to me, "this is a package of flowers for her (pointing to the older looking lady) from the boyfriend who wants to apologize" and then I started laughing because I was thinking to myself, I really didn't have to know that. But the older looking woman opened up to me as if we were friends for a long time. She said, "he really went too far this time", and started opening the box to take the flowers out. As she was doing that, she somewhat muttered to herself but was actually talking to me saying,"I have lived my life contentedly and if a man that I welcome into my life does not make me better or nourish the life I already have, then there is no need for us to be together anymore". I thought to myself, that was the most beautiful relationship advise that I have ever heard.
The flowers were orange tulips and we had a "girl talk" about flowers and men and how they think everything will be okay with a bouquet of flowers.
We talked and laughed and exchanged stories. It turns out Barbara is an anthropologist by profession and has the passion for cooking so she and her daughters decided to open up their house and turn it into a cafe. She opened up some more about her lovelife and her daughter jokingly informed me Mom is uncomfortable calling the man her boyfriend because she's too old for that but rather prefers the man to be called her male friend or gentleman friend. We shared a good laugh. Barbara commented on my English and said that this was why they assumed I am just from here. I told them why I am here and what I want to do while I am here for the rest of my stay. We exchanged cards and Barbara said she will call me whenever she is free and she will drive me around to check out the national parks and to show me around the mountains and beautiful places in Nevada she had left her home state for.
I paid for my lunch and left with a smile, for I now have a place to go to whenever I feel like sharing and just chatting the hours away.
It is a nice feeling to know more about the meanings of each flowers and what orange tulips represent and how what seems to be trivial things can be the beginning of a budding friendship.

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